What to Look Out for when Summer Running

What to Look Out for when Summer Running

What to Look Out for when Summer Running

Aug 20, 2024

Running in the summer can be challenging due to high temperatures and humidity, but with the right precautions, you can stay safe and enjoy your workouts. Here’s what to look out for when running in the summer:

Stay hydrated. Drink water throughout the day and even during your run if you are running for more than 30 minutes. Wear lightweight, sun protection clothes and sunglasses to protect your body. Avoid high heat by running in the early morning or late evening. If the heat index is very high, consider rescheduling your run or opting for an indoor workout to avoid heat-related illnesses.

Most importantly, your body works harder in the heat, so do not expect to hit your usual pace. Slow down and listen to your body, with CLOMP fastened to your thigh. Be aware of the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, such as dizziness, nausea, heavy sweating, confusion, and a rapid pulse.

Stay motivated. Summer running can be tough, so set realistic goals and stay mentally prepared for the challenge. If you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or unwell, stop running immediately and seek shade and hydration.

And obviously, do not run with your laptop in your hands. Leave your work and worries behind, and just enjoy your summer running!